Pretty Cool

“Do you think you’re cool?”

That’s what Brody asked me last night. I was doing the dishes and he just walked up and blurted it out.

“Do you think you’re cool?”

I thought for a moment. “I don’t know, what do you think?” I finally said stalling for time.

“It doesn’t matter what I think,” he said. “What do you think?”

I was silent again, contemplating all the people and things that I considered cool: snowboarding, Hugh Jackman, catchers, ultimate confidence without being cocky, the guy in Man vs. Wild, Omar, Muppus, surfing, long-sleeved shirts under short-sleeved shirts, speaking another language, having a dream, chasing your dreams, Big Head Todd at the 9:30 club, working for the CIA and then marrying a woman from Brazil, Omar, dogs, diversity, good musicals, fixing things, getting struck by lightning and then getting special powers, empathy, every ounce of dialogue in The Wire, playing by ear, wolves, spirit animals, root beer milkshakes.

“Dad,” blurted Brody, snapping me out of my daydream about root beer milkshakes and superpowers. “Just answer the question. Do you think you’re cool?”

I thought for one more second and then said honestly, “I think I’m average.”

“See dad, that’s your problem. If you don’t think you’re cool, you’re never going to get anywhere in life,” Brody responded. “Just some free advice.” Then he grabbed an apple, took a bite, and walked away.

Pretty cool.

About Gary

If you’re one of those people who wants to hear that “parenting is the most fun you’ll ever have in your entire life,” this blog is not for you. Instead, it’s for people who want the truth. That parenting is hard work. Most of the time it’s not fun at all. And you’ll go to bed most nights wondering why you put your heart and soul into something that is constantly driving you nuts. The only true solace I have found so far came a few years ago at a beach front bar in Cape San Blas, Florida. It was a particularly tough day with the kids. As usual, I was worried that I messed up a critical parenting decision and the results would ruin my kid’s lives forever. I was talking to a 75-year-old woman who is like a grandmother to Dixie. The woman had four kids, went through some very difficult times with them, but still claimed it was worth every minute. “But is it supposed to be this hard?” I asked her, with genuine despair in my voice. She just looked up, smiled, and said, “Only if you’re doing it right.”
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3 Responses to Pretty Cool

  1. Paul says:

    “When somebody asks you if you’re a god – you say ‘Yes’!” – Winston Zeddemore

  2. ana says:

    Gary, YOU define cool.

  3. Nick Davis says:

    Interesting post, but c’mon Gary! You have two kids, a wife, and a pretty sweet job. I think you might be selling yourself a little short here!

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